Friday, March 20, 2015

My Journey to Peace

There was a time, not long ago, I was crippled by fear.
I had anxiety, weight issues, guilt, nervousness, depression and relationship issues. I wondered some days why I was still alive. I wondered if there was anything worth living for, and if so, would I ever find it?
I was anxious about carpet fuzz, driving, social situations, relationships. I did my best to hide these by avoiding them. I cleaned habitually with no joy. I made excuses not to drive or attend social functions. This was the life I hid with a mask of hilarity and togetherness.

When Victoria asked me if I would consider life coaching, it was like a light bulb. Yes! Hypnosis and deep meditation were already on my list of things to try, however I had never gotten the motivation to do it. 

Within a month of starting our sessions I had put in the work and time, her "homework" becoming a habit of positive thoughts and actions. I was off my medication and functioning at life. The years that followed have been a steady climb. I stumble and fall, but have the tools to get back up and try again. 
It has been well over a year since my last panic attack and I have done things and gone places I never thought possible. 

I would suggest to anyone who is serious about getting their life back on track to get life coaching from Victoria. She is helpful, professional and a great support on your journey to peace! 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Clay Rose

Fingers dripping with water, clay sticking and drying in the cracks between. I ball a chunk of clay and begin to flatten it across my palm. I work the cracks out, smoothing the edges to a petal shape. 
I bite my lip in absent concentration. The first layer is curled into a thin tube, gently pushed together to show the edges. The next layer is slightly feathered outwards, overlapping the first. 
As I work my way out from the centre, the petals become more and more fragile, bending and splitting as the pressure is applied. 

I'm trying to make a clay rose. So far, my attempts have been futile. My thin clay cracks and crumbling as the layers are applied. In absolute frustration, I grab my work and ball it in my fist, crushing my attempt. I begin again.

I feel like it is a metaphor for who I am. Attempt after attempt to embody the thoughts that dwell within, only to succumb to the weight of drama and disharmony once again. 
I curl outwards, layer after layer of joy, love, peace and hope. My edges begin to crack, there is a day of frustration. I take something personal. Someone lets me down. I smash my broken rose and tumble back into a heap of clay. 

But there is hope. Hope that one day I will rise above, hardened and solid in my will to succeed. I will glaze my edges and paint the colours I wish to day.

And so I start again.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Can I get a retraction please?

I have noticed people post their lives on Facebook. The ups, the downs, the rock bottoms. 
The break ups, the make ups, the birthdays and keggers. 

But we miss out on the in betweeners. 

We don't know how it went from you broke my heart to you woke my heart. 🌹
We don't hear how haters became besties. 

We don't see the deep conversations of I'm sorry and I forgive you. 

We hear the wahoos and the way to goes. We hear the never let you goes
Yet never hear the "please baby, forgive me's". 

We see the 😔😒😞😁😢😱😤😅's
We know the places. 
We see the time, most of the time.
We send out ((HUGZ)),
We share the joke.
We hit the like, we smile :).
Text a note, then hit send.
We friend, we friend, we accept and friend.

But is it really real...?

Where's the retraction that takes all that time back.