Slowly put down the cell phone and back away....
Ever have those moments?
I've had about two weeks of those moments. I have been completely out of commission. I play Bubble Witch Saga, Farm Heroes and avoid contact with other humans as much as I can.
Mouth shut, say as little as possible.
I've been battling some kind of virus or infection. Started as a common cold that spread and kicked out fever after fever. Boo-frickin-hoo.
I'm not blogging a pity-party.
I'm blogging an interesting aspect of my human psyche. I'm very whiny when sick. Everything bothers me. Smells come and go through the snot-bubbles, and they infuriate me. People's voices grind on my last nerve, and I literally bite my lip to avoid saying an 'un-take-backable' thing. Even the sound of my own voice can drive me bonkers. So I try to keep quiet, to myself, and away from situations with sharp objects too handy. I also avoid writing too much, which is why I keep my hands busy with mindless games. Things I write when I'm down, range from violently disturbing to nauseatingly melodramatic.
I get extremely tired, and along with that exhaustion comes emotional overdoses. I try not to read too much, especially emails from friends or deep thoughts. I'm apt to take something wrong and blow it all out of proportion.
Like drunken texts, I avoid texting anything beyond simple facts and requests, information or dates. Too much thought and I will likely write about the desire to eat the eyeballs out of the next snivelling turd to drop a fart in my general area. Or my unexplainable desire to drive a pencil through the knee of someone who makes me repeat myself.
These are not normally things that even bother me...much. But for some reason, when I am sick, it's like every nerve is set to high.
The weight of my own hair is bothersome.
Well, today is the most well I have felt in two weeks. So I'm excited to say I will be back to normal soon...whatever my normal is.
Why did I decide to share this.....?
Well, I figure everyone has their weaknesses. Some women struggle with PMS. Some pregnant chicks get all testy. Some guys have this mood cycle they struggle with. The list goes on, but my point is, I'm just embracing my "Out of Commission", and putting it out there. Some days just suck. I don't think it's negative to say "it's raining". I don't think it's complaining to admit something bothers you. So, I'm a real whiny snag when I'm sick....facts is facts. Bigger and brighter is in the future!
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