Friday, March 20, 2015

My Journey to Peace

There was a time, not long ago, I was crippled by fear.
I had anxiety, weight issues, guilt, nervousness, depression and relationship issues. I wondered some days why I was still alive. I wondered if there was anything worth living for, and if so, would I ever find it?
I was anxious about carpet fuzz, driving, social situations, relationships. I did my best to hide these by avoiding them. I cleaned habitually with no joy. I made excuses not to drive or attend social functions. This was the life I hid with a mask of hilarity and togetherness.

When Victoria asked me if I would consider life coaching, it was like a light bulb. Yes! Hypnosis and deep meditation were already on my list of things to try, however I had never gotten the motivation to do it. 

Within a month of starting our sessions I had put in the work and time, her "homework" becoming a habit of positive thoughts and actions. I was off my medication and functioning at life. The years that followed have been a steady climb. I stumble and fall, but have the tools to get back up and try again. 
It has been well over a year since my last panic attack and I have done things and gone places I never thought possible. 

I would suggest to anyone who is serious about getting their life back on track to get life coaching from Victoria. She is helpful, professional and a great support on your journey to peace! 

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