How often do you pause, and consider what you are missing while you are chasing? How many people do you blow off or miss when you're busy getting what you don't have? How many things do you pass by while trying to achieve? What moments are lost, opportunities wasted?
In reflecting on the things people say or do, I am often struck by the significant little things that they don't. Probably because I am most guilty of this. I have a hard time speaking my truth. It's a blockage in the throat chakra thing. So the more aware of it I become, the more I realize it happens all the time all around me.
So often, you are looking for attention from someone, while someone is looking for attention from you.
You are looking for a solution, when the answer is right under your nose.
You are sad or lonely, when your life is brimming with people who want nothing more then your company.
You are hurt about being ignored while you are ignoring someone at that very moment.
All because you are chasing that ball with blinders and determination, telling yourself that the BALL is the most important thing!
Is it?
In watching my dogs chase a ball, I recognize a truth. No matter how many times I throw that ball, they are never satisfied. They are never content to end this game. They will repeat it until exhausted. With blind determination, over and over. They forget about birds and squirrels. Their entire focus becomes that stupid bouncing ball, and they will trample and fight to be the one who has it in their mouth.
This is us. Chasing a dream to lose a life. Chasing a someone or something and missing so much. Until we fall exhausted, wondering why the ball isn't bouncing any more. Mean while, someone is laughing their butt off at our shenanigans.
I'm not saying to
Chase your ball for sure!
But maybe I, you, we, should consider the bigger picture. Maybe we should realize now and then that there is a whole world beyond our balls.... :)
oh so true