Under the willow to wait while I watch. Wondering whispers blow wind while in thought.
I am a true believer that all things have reason, all things are a lesson. Good or bad, even indifferent...they all have purpose. Most often it takes a lot of time and reflection to truly come to terms with what that lesson might be.
The weeping willow has always signified deep reflection and contemplation for me. It is the tree I sit by to try and come to terms with perplexing situations, both in literal and figurative worlds.
I often think there is someone sitting there with me, but turn to find I am indeed alone. I have sketched pictures in the past of someone there, but they are just sketches, and this is real life.
This is probably better, since true acceptance comes when sitting in solitude, or so it seems.
There are times when the sun sets on a hope, and the sadness that comes with it can be overwhelming. Yet instead of hiding or climbing back into my box, I am falling from the limbs of my tree in faith. Faith that whatever comes next is what is supposed to. Faith that I will find the lessons well learned. Faith that this is all part of my journey and that I will land softly amongst the roots of my willow.
I imagine that whatever comes after sitting by my tree is worthwhile. I imagine the whole thing is worthwhile, that even after solitude, I might look up and see a smiling face. I might run down the hillside to a waiting field to dance in. I might laugh and realize that those silent, sad moments only made what comes next so much more valuable. That the contrast is what gives true worth to each moment.
I am sharing this hope with you, whoever you may be. I am sharing this deeply contemplative place, this eternally safe and precious place. This place to lay down the grief and burdens. It is yours to use or to dismiss as you see fit.
All you need do is look up the hill from where you are, notice the large weeping willow. Walk to it and sit down, resting your weary body against her sturdy bark. Let the leaves of the willow weep for you, as they lay heavy on the bowing branches. If you must, climb up to the top. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and fall.
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