I would name you if I could, but I'd rather admire, all the things that you should be but aren't are.
Like slime that emerges, and vomit that purges. A bug I would swat, but far too amusing. Oh irritant rant and rave, I've long tuned you out.
I realize you are still talking, can't you see I'm thinking instead? Clearly not.
Is it bad that I'm wondering what it would be like to shove toothpicks in your eyes.... Hopefully I didn't say that out loud.
Be thankful I aced the self control section of higher learning. If I could kick myself I would. Instead the steady drone of your beehive voice is slowly causing an allergic reaction. I'm actually praying at this moment that you would get hit by a Mac truck...even if that means having it plow through this room to get you.
I don't hate, that's too much effort for you. Rather I sneer in your general direction.
People are so exhausting at times. Like chainsaws on metal. Like hammers on tin. Like smoke that makes your eyes water. Like lemon juice on paper cuts.
Speaking of paper cuts....
I wonder if your voice is causing internal ear drum leakage. Interesting thought as my brain is clearly hemmoraging at this very moment. I feel dumber for hearing you, even though I'm not listening. It's like the very tone itself has the power to stupify. I believe I might even be losing the ability to spehl.
I talk this way and people think it's funny. It's tiring because it's true. I say these things out loud now and then, but these thoughts run through my mind. Stupid drivers, crap commercials, idiots that can't make coffee right, propaganda, politics, religious extremists, sermonizing servitude socialites in their comfy high-end social clubs. Save the whales, save the dolphins, save the itty bitty seals with their big brown eyes. Find the cure that's already been found. Throw gardeners in jail and enslave humanity, debt increase, sanity decrease, white issues, fat issues, black issues, gay issues, hetero-what ?issues. Over sexed, under sexed, sexist, rapists, penalty based debt. Genocide, herbicide, homicide, suicide, inside the brain. Herpaghonasyphlaids. Prostatots, prostitutes, windmills, sawmills, save the forest food drives. Good technology, bad technology, too much stupidity. Recycle this and shove that.... It's all just napalm.
Why can't we just breathe? Turn off the lying media. Turn off the dis-ease. Turn off the kill our planet. Turn off the wicked bad mural going up in town. Turn off the too much sex. Turn of the fake love, fake friends, fake smiles. Turn it all off and be gone with ya. And you, with all your opinions...shut it. How about I shove this cell phone down your throat til you're crapping out text messages.
There is no right solution without awareness. There is no money solution, race solution, do-this-and-you'll-find-salvation. There is no government willing to do what it takes to give people back their right to be. No conversation will resolve the issues.
Put down your script and walk off the stage.
Unshackle yourself. Unshackle your children.
Drop the rule book.
Stop drama.
Live your own being.
Spread your own truth.
Connect with what is real.
Be community without judgement.
Heal naturally.
Create constantly.
Be one, be many.
And please, please, all these crazy attempts to sound like you know what you're talking about, live before you preach. Love before you judge. Pave your street with good enough and make your bed with been there. While you're out there, busy creating your reality, maybe your opinions will turn into making a change.
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