Monday, August 25, 2014


"Can you pass me the cutty thing?"
"The what?"
"You know, the thingamajigger cutter. Over there, black thingy with a sharp edge."
"Oh, this?"
"Yup, thanks."

"You got that doo-hickey over there?"
"The what?"
"The doo-hickey. You know, banger-ma-do"
"Ya, thanks."

Could you imagine what a construction crew would sound like if they all talked woman-talk?
Watch two chicks cooking together, and you will know what I'm talking about.
Girls don't use technical terms. We just know. Words like "thing-a-ma-jig" "cutty cutty" " swirly thing" "holder-ma-do"... These are all legit words in our world. There are no technical terms like box-cutter, trowel, edge trimmer or hammer. No screw driver, it's a screwer-inner-thing. No tape measure, it's a stringy-counter-do-da. Forget this sanding block, it's a gritty-paper or smoother-outer-majig. 
C'mon guys...
Besides, ever seen a group of women bending over a stove with their butt crack hanging out? Didn't think so! 
So when I'm in the work crew, it's not a mudding palette, it's a flat-mud-holder-thingy...and I wave that with style!

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